Commercial Refrigerator Freezer Manufactuer & Commercial Supplier

What refrigeration air-conditioner in the needed accessories

by:Jingeao     2020-04-15

in the freezer refrigeration series, the core of the important parts, we all know that, then there are other accessories? Answer is yes, and they are also plays an important role in the process of air-conditioner refrigeration, freezers and take a look at some price, below what refrigeration accessories. 1, low pressure control valve & ndash; — It can automatically adjust the effect. To control the suction pressure set point. 2, pressure switch, pressure switch is used in the detection of air-conditioner pipeline pressure changes when installation, will pressure switch interface screw in the pipeline to monitoring and control, switch contact through a wire series in the main control circuit, the control of suspension of the compressor. Warning and guidance: ( 1) Empty vessels used in pressure switch with high pressure and low pressure switch, pressure pressure switch with screw thread interface in the commercial freezer refrigeration system of high pressure exhaust side, will automatically stop when freezers for the following reasons. (1) the condenser fin of dust deposited on a blocked duct. (2) the fan motor or capacitor is damaged, the cold wind is enough. (3) refrigerant charging too much. (4) system with air. ( 2) The reason of low voltage switch action (1) finned evaporator with dust. (2) the fan air volume. (3) fewer refrigerants. (4) the surface of the evaporator frosting. (5) system jam. 3, check valve: ( 1) The role of the one-way valve is only liquid flow along a direction, not allowed to reverse flow. ( 2) Check valve is often in the heat pump air-conditioner, the flow of refrigerant in refrigeration and heating control. ( 3) Check valve shell direction of refrigerant flow direction arrow said, replacement, never meet. 4, gas-liquid separator: ( 1) Gas-liquid separator is to prevent liquid refrigerant entering the compressor unit, also known as the receiver, a separate receiver used in reciprocating compressor air conditioning system. ( 2) Out of the evaporator and the excess liquid refrigerant, it into the liquid separator, back again after vaporization compressor, prevent the liquid refrigerant liquid impact on compressor.
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