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Freezers frozen food and the relationship between evaporation ( 2)

by:Jingeao     2020-03-19
< p > freezers frozen food and the relationship between evaporation ( 2) Tell us why the above chapter food need to put it in the freezer refrigeration, is for slow evaporation rate, and reduce the evaporation. So in the process of air-conditioner refrigeration, if the operation is not good, or save undeserved, can cause some damage, just to see what are the loss. First is generally weightlessness and the loss of fresh, fruits, vegetables, due to the evaporation constantly in the air-conditioner refrigeration dehydration the most obvious phenomenon is caused by weightlessness and fresh. Weightlessness or & other; Loss of natural & throughout; , including two aspects of water and dry matter loss, mainly water loss, cause losses on the number of fruits and vegetables in cold storage. Fresh loss refers to loss on the quality of fruits and vegetables in cold storage, different vegetables performance. Carrot chaff heart, leek wilting, overall performance for the form, structure, color, luster, texture and flavor. The edible quality and commercial quality. Followed by destruction of air-conditioner normal metabolic processes in the food, fruit and vegetable moisture evaporation include water molecules move from cell to cell gap, from the product of the surface of the internal organization to move to the organization, from the surface into the surrounding atmosphere of the three process. Cells after dehydration, make the turgor pressure drop, soft tissue; Freezing point depression, and improve the cold resistance ability; Soluble matter content increased; To reduce mechanical damage during transport and refrigeration processing, such as DongZhu cabbage for timing to dry before pit entry, can prevent to take off the help. Cells, however, severe dehydration, cell SAP concentration increased, some of the material and ions, such as hydrogen ions, such as ammonia ions concentration of matter accumulation to harmful levels, can cause cell toxicity; Cell dehydration can cause hydrolase activity strengthened, accelerate the hydrolysis process of dry matter; Degree of sugar beet root dehydration is heavier, the synthesis of sucrose enzyme activity is lower in the organization, and hydrolysis activity is higher; Sweetening the dried sweet potato is dehydration caused by hydrolysis of starch to sugar, hydrolysis of sugar accumulation and as respiration respiration substrates further stimulation. Finally is to reduce the freezer food, cold resistance and disease resistance in a variety of fruits and vegetables after harvest, all have its water resistance and disease resistance, resistance to lay aside the fruits and vegetables under the condition of suitable resistance physiological diseases ( Including aging) The total capacity. Evapotranspiration wilting cause normal metabolism are destroyed, hydrolysis, and caused by cell turgor pressure to reduce the mechanical structural characteristics change, etc. , will affect the Tibetan resistance of fruits and vegetables and disease resistance. Wilting dehydration, the greater the degree of organization, resistance to drop, the more intense, the more serious the rot. Because of the different variety, maturity, or growth, its water resistance and resistance to change. Water resistance and disease resistance under the condition of suitable for both constitute the storage life of fruits and vegetables. These are food in the freezer refrigeration and evaporation of all relations, these are what can affect the real cause of the quality of food in the commercial freezer, also is the embodiment of the essence. < br / > < / p >
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